November 14, 2019

Dear Scouting Leadership,

It is unfortunate that the Michigan Crossroads Council (MCC) has had to make necessary decisions regarding the closing of three camp properties this year. Those decision were based on, among others things, declining use and lack of these facilities to be able to sustain themselves each year over the last seven. The Outdoor Adventures (Camping) program has been in an overall deficit position each year since the consolidation. And before you ask, nearly every camp property in Michigan was also in a deficit position prior to the consolidation and had been in a deficit position for many years prior to the consolidation. Camps must have enough use and income in order to be sustainable and to balance their budgets annually. Much like our households, if we don’t have enough money to pay for our expenses unfortunately difficult decisions follow.

Recently there has also been much speculation and rumor created centered around the D Bar A Scout Ranch. Let me be clear that the Michigan Crossroads Council continues to evaluate all of its camping and other properties on an ongoing and regular basis. The primary consideration is, does the property have enough use through Summer Camping, Year Round rental and activity participation to generate the income necessary to balance the annual budget for the specific property. For the seven years since the consolidation and for several years prior D Bar A has been operating in a deficit position that averages approximately $160,000 per year. In the recent past two years through greater collaborative volunteer and staff partnership D Bar A has been making positive progress in its camping participation and year round cabin and weekend program usage. This camp has been labelled Yellow in a Green, Yellow and Red evaluation process. It is yellow because it is still in a deficit position but making steady and positive participation progress. It is expected to be approximately a $90,000 deficit position in 2019. It is also yellow because of the impending gravel lease associated with a portion of the unused property on this site that will potentially support the MCC and its camping and other operation at some point in the future.

It is imperative that this facility be utilized and attended by our units for Summer Camping, weekend events and cabin rental. On November 13th we held a visioning session with a group of properties and program committee volunteers and unit leaders who use this facility frequently. Our desire is to provide the program that our units are seeking in order to meet their unit level needs. We also are looking for additional and perhaps unique ways to utilize this property, in addition to traditional Scouting uses, to add to income streams. It is our desire to maintain all of the remaining camp properties for Michigan Scouting Summer camping and weekend use to include events, rental, training and more. We would ask each of you to become ambassadors for all Michigan camps. We look forward to your ideas and thoughts for the future.

Interesting to note that across the entire state an average of only 8% of our Cub Scouts and only 48% of our Troops attend a Summer Camp anywhere. There is much room for improvement of units attending camps. As an ambassador for Michigan camping please encourage the increased use of Michigan camps to ensure their continued place in Michigan Scouting.

If you have questions regarding individual properties or Summer camping in general please connect with your Field Service Council, visit our website or contact us at Maintaining and keeping camps is our desire, to ensure this they must be attended and used by our Scouting families.

Thank you for supporting Michigan Scout camps.

Brad Arbuckle
Council President

Donald D. Shepard, Jr.
Scout Executive / CEO