Scouting’s Journey to Excellence (JTE) is the BSA’s planning, performance, and recognition program designed to encourage and reward the success of our units, districts and councils. It is meant to encourage excellence in providing a quality program at all levels of the BSA.  It lets unit leaders self-evaluate and see, quantitatively, how well their unit is meeting the goals of Scouting.

Here are the major changes in the JTE scorecards for 2022.

  1. The standards are written as activities that the unit will do. This is to emphasize that JTE is primarily a planning tool.
  2. The Cub Scout scorecard has many changed standards. This is because of changes in the Cub Scout program.
  3. For standard #10, Gold now includes recruiting a new leader. We have found that the best units continually recruit parents and other adults who have never been involved in Scouting.

There is no requirement, no expectation and, in fact, we might discourage a unit from believing that they should achieve Gold in all JTE criteria.  A great unit is balanced in the service that it provides to youth. There is no shame and no problem if a unit achieves Silver or Bronze. That unit is serving youth.